I know that the top of his head is cut off....I am not blind. I just could not keep up with this little bugger! But I got him with his tongue out! This is my little nephew at the park this past weekend. I am absolutely in love with this little guy!!

Yep, I got the other brother's head in this one! He would at least "semi-pose" for me! Again, at the park during my brother's visit home last weekend.

It was a beautiful reunion of our families. MG is now in Wisconsin, with his wife, 2 boys and precious baby girl. How did the weekend go by so fast? We sure hated to see them go, but felt so blessed to have spent the time together....
Sounds like you had a lovely time! And don't worry about the head being cut off. I think some of the best pictures are the ones that aren't so "perfect"!
Beautiful photos! What camera were you using to get that oldish feel? Or did you edit afterwards?
I LOVE that last shot...fab! :)
B is adorable with his tongue sticking out and those "teefies" showing.
The older bro is showing him how a staged photo is taken, but another good pose nonetheless.
I guess my fav is the biking photo as they ride off into the sunset and the blurry edges and all.
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