FarmBoy loves this little guy, calling him "MACHO man..." in his Jolly Green Giant voice. Little Man (his REAL name) loves it because he indeed DOES feel Macho...being the only boy dog on the farm.

This photo is Little Man's pathetic attempt to make us feel sorry for him...needless to say, it only caused me to get the camera!
Just wanted to share!
Aren't dogs the best thing in the world? I love ours and I know you feel the same about your hard working sweetie. That face was sure workin it for some lovin or food. Which was it or was it both?
That is such a cute picture.
Oooooh, I love him. You totally have to visit my friend Jess's blog (on my blogroll..."So Here's a Recap")...your dog puts me in mind of her dog, Rowdy. And he's a Rowdy Cowboy. So...that might where I see similarity, too. ;)
That is a great picture! His coat is beautiful! And what a pitiful face... I know he's probably spoiled rotten! Thanks for sharing!
He's adorable! I picked a beautiful little pumpkin and we got spaghetti squash which is one of my favorites! We also got some fabulous apples and cider! Thanks for posting on my blog! ;)
What a great picture! He's a beauty.
We are dogless for the first time in our lives right now. Hubby and I have always had dogs. But having lost our two beautiful dogs last year (one to an accident and one to old age), we were just too heartbroken to get another. Now we've decided to wait until Minion#2 is just a little older.
I look forward to when we are ready for a new little four-legged family member.
Thanks for reminding me how great they can be. :)
He was wanting on the deck to lick up our supper crumbs. Doesn't he look soooo sad! He is so SPOILED that it is sad! HA! This little bugger is bred for farm work, but he just chases the birds (they have an ongoing war) and teases the cattle (when he feels up to it). Yep, he sure is mistreated!! WHATEVER!!
OMG I LOVE that dog and the picture is so beautiful. Seriously. My grandparents had sheep dogs on their farm in Australia and they were so clever and smart. My grandfather used to say one dog would do the work of seven men. What type of dog is little man? He looks like a working dog although as you say he is spoiled rotten he he. Who couldnt resist spoiling him - look at that adorable face!
He sure looks like a Macho Man to me! A great looking dog indeed!
Much better looking than my stinky, squishy faced pug.
Oh! Now I know what you meant about perfect timing! You have a cattledog, too! Aren't they just the best-est?
Yours is stinkin' adorable. :)
That is a very neat picture!!!
I love pathetic puppies!
I like your disguise...or do you always where your hat like that?
I love my disguise's my ornery little gal. She was being quite a goof ball--4H fair 2007. My head is entirely TOO big to pull off a cowboy hat, or at least one like that. Since I got my haircut, or whacked, I don't wear hats much, but if I DOOOO, it's a John Deere ballcap of some sort!
Awww who can resist that look? :)
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