Wednesday, July 2, 2008

July 2, 2008

Well, here it goes, my first blogging entry. I've been wondering what all the hype is, and now I will find out. Seems simple enough, but I always seem to make things a little more complicated. Let me start with a little about myself.....I am a farmer's wife and mother of one. I live smack dab in middle america on our 5th generation farm. I work outside the farm, my "day job", for a medical supply company. Insurance sure is a pain in the butt...sheesh. I feel my life has come full circle and am pleased w/ how things turned out. I used to sit and dream of how my life would turn a teacher, marry some rich, dark and handsome fellow. But who needs a fairytale, I live on a beautiful farm, have a blond blue eyed farm boy (who really is corn fed, by the way) and a great daughter. My employers are fantastic and "get" the family is first cliche. So, yeah for me...and I promise I will write something interesting sometime soon. I am anxious to hit the post button for now, so simple simple simple today.


Sleepless Sabra said...

Hi, this is Sleepless Sabra - with the leg shaving poll. :) I just got FeedJit and saw someone came to my blog from yours - didn't recognize it and came to check your blog out. Do we know each other or just through the blog world? Have a great day.

FarmGirl said...

Yep, ya know me...check on some of the photos...I graduated w/ Bryan. Also, your mom & my mom used to work it now? Thanks for popping in, as you saw, I have you in my blog your blog!
