Sunday, August 10, 2008

Yee HAW!!

Well, I only had a few minutes to check on my 2nd blog! And much to my suprise...I have been listed as "saucy" on my dear SITS blog page! YEE HAW!! I am so excited! I have loved reading everyone's comments and will be checking you all out soon! We have been busy on our farm...the darn sweet corn in FINALLY ready! We have been pickin' our little hearts out and selling it like crazy! I know I work outside the home and all, but sheesh! I bust my hiney when I get home....farmin' is tough work, but good golly...SOO rewarding!

I met a great gal during my Quirky Facts I posted the other day...she is hilarious! Check her out:

Heaven's Gift: Share 13 of your Fun and Quirky Facts. I Dare Ya!

Thanks again for the saucy blog shout out on SITS...I am not feeling so saucy right now, just hot and sweaty (ugh). Well, hubby is knocking on the window...time to take more corn in to town! YEE HAW!!


Anonymous said...

Congrats on your Saucy Blog-ness! Enjoy your week of sauciness to the fullest!

Frizzy said...

Congrats on your Sauciness! YEAH for you. :) Thanks for stopping by my blog and for the shout out. I'm so honored and just so ya know, I've never been called funny before. You're the first! If you think my 13 quirks were funny you might also enjoy my post from last night. I may be asking for too much though. I'm adding you to my blog roll. Hope you don't mind being as though we're quirky twins and all.

Aubrey said...

Congrats on being so Saucy!
You're right! Farming is hard work. I grew up in a farming community and the boys I went to school with were the hardest workers I knew! Oh, and mmmm...corn!

~B. said...

Congratulations! I'm still figuring out the saucy thing, but if you're Yee-hawin' it's all good! :D

Could you BE any busier? Really!! Holy heck, GF!

Jen said...

You are right SITS is really awesome, it bring us to many new friends.
In my post tomorrow, I am listing one of the comments that you left me on my featured day. Thanks.

Ritch in Love said...

Being on the blogroll is such a natural high!! :) Congrats!

My Trendy Tykes said...

Congrats on the SAUCY BLOG feature!


Unknown said...

congrats! I'm relatively new to the blogworld and love it :)

I must say... you are living my ideal life. I have always felt 'called' to the farm life, but married a city/coastal boy. Maybe one day, 'till then I'll keep shopping the farmers market and pretending like I 'belong'. ;)

Marrdy said...

Oh I wished I lived close to you. There is nothing better in the world then sweet summer corn, fresh tomatoes and new potatoes boiled with butter!! Now I am hungry...oh and congratulations!

FarmGirl said...

Thank you ALL!! I have been a bit neglectful here in bloggy world...but I DO appreciate the great comments! I am super excited about being "saucy" and all...but even more excited that I have met new pals in blogworld! I will try to be better next week, I promise...I was able to stop in and "see" most of you, and as always, you all make me smile! Chat w/ ya later....gotta fill these corn orders...and it's raining AGAIN!! Can you believe it? Sheesh!!
